Yonex Polytour Strike vs Solinco Confidential


New User
Hey guys, interested in buying Yonex Polytour Strike 17 gauge. I currently use Solinco Confidential 17 gauge and love it but kind of want to go full Yonex

For context, I use Yonex Ezone 98 Tour and am looking for a control string that will not hurt my arm and will have good tension maintenance. I don’t currently have arm trouble but want to avoid it if I can.

I know that Solinco will give more topspin and control due to its shape but want to know how others think of Polytour Strike. Reviews seem to be good.

Thanks guys!


i use confidential as well.. since its a shaped Poly.. try Poly tour Rev?
i have an Ezone 98 coming soon.. had it strung with Poly Tour Rev.. looking forward to hitting with it.