I agree with GuyClinch that your forehand seems well ahead of the rest of your game.
It's ok to slice all your backhands but I think you need to own that shot a bit more-- it looked like you had a hard time setting up for the bh, timing it, and controlling its trajectory.
This is a bit of a guess because there weren't too many backhands in the video, in part because you seemed to be doing your best to avoid hitting them-- camping out in the ad court and running around to the FH whenever possible.
A couple suggestions:
--Use drop feeding and the wall to get more comfortable with the BH-- practice your slice
like this guy does.
-- Try not to hang out in the ad court or run around the FH too much when you are rallying. Make yourself hit a backhand on balls to your left, even if this means your rallies end more quickly.
Knowing that you can rally with a reliable BH will add a lot of security to your game.