Tennis Warehouse Playtest - Gamma Sapphire 1.23 & 1.28

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
Finished KB and now...

Pleased to have the 1.23 guage as I love thin poly.
I like thin poly strings as well. If you have some way of tracking tension loss, I’d really appreciate you recording it for Sapphire 1.23.


Hall of Fame
I like thin poly strings as well. If you have some way of tracking tension loss, I’d really appreciate you recording it for Sapphire 1.23.
Only by feel, but I'm decent in that regard.
Also, since I started doing playtests, I track time used reasonably close (within an quarter hour). So at a minimum, I can say about how many hours you'll get before significant degradation in performance, which to me is most important.


Hall of Fame
Not getting to hit until tomorrow but then playing two days in a row.

Like the color, strings always get bonus points from me for an interesting color.
Seems to be quite a bit lighter than the KB Flash. Obviously it was a 1.25 but I wouldn't think 0.02mm would make a huge difference. Didn't get a chance to weigh the KB Flash, I'm basing this on balance. This is noticeably a little more HL. That's a positive too.

I like these "odd" guages (1.23, 1.27, 1.28) stuff like that.


First outing today with the Gamma Sapphire. I got the 1.28 gauge.
Strung up in my Head Boom Pro and it feels like a perfect match. Color wise and felt great crushing the ball. My boom is customized a bit I will include that in my full review but just first hit impressions.
Strung up this morning at 55/53. The strings have great control and not too stiff. There is some element of them I really enjoy that is a bit of similarity to Big Banger Original in linear response, but softer. I didn't find the launch angle to be too high and it had good feel for me on volleys and touch shots as well very connected feel.
I look forward to a little tension loss as I felt great control on serves but would like a little more kick for my kick serves.
Comparatively I found this string had similarities in different ways to: Head Hawk Touch in terms of a bit of that muted feel maybe similar stiffness and overall control levels, Big Banger Original where I really feel clear feedback from the string across various swing speeds which I value, I will try to come up with more comparisons after another hit or two. I really enjoyed the control overall so far.
Hopefully my media link works the string looks so good in a boom pro it is a crime.



Hall of Fame
I'm not playing until tomorrow because I don't know...scheduling?

Why do I like odd guages...probably because I'm weird. But for real I feel like they're such a good compromise.
Take this 1.23 for instance, almost feels like a 1.20 but likely has all the durability of a 1.25. Saves a little weight/swingweight too.
The same would apply to a 1.28, probably as durable as a 1.30 but physically less material so less weight and swingweight.

I used a 1.27 and it was a softer string, but I feel like the 1.27 helped it hold tension a little better and have better control over the 1.25, but still maintained good feel that can be lost if going all the way to 1.30.


Hall of Fame
First 1.5 hours of htting yesterday...

So far I like it, feels less firm than the KB Flash so, again, either Flash got strung wrong or that pre-stretch makes a huuuuge difference, not sure.
Also KB Flash must be a fairly dense string, I know people say this about some Head strings where it feels heavier than other brands.

I like the feel of Gamma, more pocketing perhaps and just a bit softer. So far it seems like the same spin as KB Flash and still less than HyperG round. You have to put in the mechanics to get the spin.
Also felt a little more powerful than Flash, but not too much where the ball launched.

All just baseline hitting and some volleys, preparing for a match today that got canceled.
Can't wait to see how it holds up but so far I like it.
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New User


Damn, that thing is so dusty. I'll try to have it cleaned next time... The first picture shows the settings I use for that tool.

Minor update. I got out to the courts to hit with it again. Now I've racked up twelve hours plus on the strings, and it feels very similar to when it was freshly strung. It still has a nice pop, and it still sounds amazing. The strings are fully notched into each other. However, the strings still have enough elasticity to snap back to their original place. Alien strings are still holding up strong.


First 1.5 hours of htting yesterday...

So far I like it, feels less firm than the KB Flash so, again, either Flaah got strung wrong or that pre-stretch makes a huuuuge difference, not sure.
Also KB Flash must be a fairly dense string, I know people say this about some Head strings where it feels heavier than other brands.

I like the feel of Gamma, more pocketing perhaps and just a bit softer. So far it seems like the same spin as KB Flash and still less than HyperG round. You have to put in the mechanics to get the spin.
Also felt a little more powerful than Flash, but not too much where the ball launched.

All just baseline hitting and some volleys, preparing for a match today that got canceled.
Can't wait to see how it holds up but so far I like it.
@Chairman3 I have agree with you in your comparison to Kirschbaum Flash. The Gamma Sapphire ( 16g ) is a bit more powerful than my 17 g K-Flash, with more pocketing and a touch higher launch angle as well. After several hours I am surprised by how much I 've enjoyed both. The higher launch of the Sapphire suits me better, but the power characteristics of K-Flash work better for me. Spin for round polys is good and more than adequate. Comfort for both is excellent for polys and feel is very good. Both excellent all around strings. These both suit players that are not hyper focused on deader / control oriented strings - because they are softer, more lively, more comfortable and better suited to the majority of rec. players who might want to choose a poly string. They both come in some cool colors too; I got yellow in Flash and the Gamma Sapphire blue is awesome !!


Hall of Fame
Played again last night, tough loss in a doubles match.

The power really stands out in Sapphire, more pronounced than Flash for sure and maybe even a bit more than HGR.
The feel is great as well, I am a fan of softer feeling strings and this one has that but without being too soft or mushy.
I did struggle with directional control if I was trying to redirect or move the ball around more, so we'll see how that plays out.

@StringStrungStrang I too liked the more predictable launch of Flash, at least so far, compared to Sapphire.
I'm wondering now if the yellow Flash was a bit more lively than Black. (I had the black)

Fighting phoenix

Seems like some very positive first impressions of this string - I'm waiting to string it up after some end of winter season matches this week through the weekend, so now I'm really excited to spend some time hitting with this string starting next week. Really surprised by all the positive feedback on playability duration - something I didn't experience with Eco Power for example, and something I expected to be a tradeoff with a string that's marketed as bio-degradable.


Hall of Fame
Seems like some very positive first impressions of this string - I'm waiting to string it up after some end of winter season matches this week through the weekend, so now I'm really excited to spend some time hitting with this string starting next week. Really surprised by all the positive feedback on playability duration - something I didn't experience with Eco Power for example, and something I expected to be a tradeoff with a string that's marketed as bio-degradable.
Mine may be losing tension after only 3 hrs. I felt I was lacking some control last night but I also wasn't playing well (tense match), so I'm waiting for another hitting session to draw that conclusion.


I would be very interested to see how this string performs in hotter climates during summer months. Pretty much anywhere between 25* N and 35* N lattitude during July and August.

I’ve got about 4hrs total on my Sapphire 1.28 and feel like it might already be cooked. The feel is still ok, somewhat firm, I don’t get the pocketing sensation that some have stated. But not uncomfortable. However, my ball control is all over the place.

Tonight I felt like I needed to take big cuts to put a lot more topspin on the ball, to keep it from sailing a few feet long. Then I was getting random flyers when I didn’t fully commit. Swapped back to my other racquet (currently strung with gut/poly, also about 4-5 hours in) and it was night and day.

Obviously not apples to apples but the difference in play was pretty massive. The last time I played, there was obviously a difference but I was still able to control it, and actually played better with the Sapphire. This time like a totally different string. I’ll play again in a few days and see how it feels.


Hall of Fame
I’ve got about 4hrs total on my Sapphire 1.28 and feel like it might already be cooked. The feel is still ok, somewhat firm, I don’t get the pocketing sensation that some have stated. But not uncomfortable. However, my ball control is all over the place.

Tonight I felt like I needed to take big cuts to put a lot more topspin on the ball, to keep it from sailing a few feet long. Then I was getting random flyers when I didn’t fully commit. Swapped back to my other racquet (currently strung with gut/poly, also about 4-5 hours in) and it was night and day.

Obviously not apples to apples but the difference in play was pretty massive. The last time I played, there was obviously a difference but I was still able to control it, and actually played better with the Sapphire. This time like a totally different string. I’ll play again in a few days and see how it feels.
Which is precisely why I play gut/poy whenever I can!


On a side note, and not that enough people really care -- that's probably what drove them to do it -- but it's kind of depressing to see Gamma discontinue a good portion of their entire tennis string lineup: several of their synthetics (the Ocho TNT's -- no huge loss there) and co-poly's (iO, Jet, Moto Soft -- I'll miss Jet, that was a good one), all inside of just a few years post-release. Now they only have three polys remaining in their US catalog: Ocho, Moto and Sapphire. Maybe they're in the midst of a full revamp, but I'd wager they're just cutting their losses and diverting resources from tennis string into more profitable areas, such as pickleball and doubling-down on their stringing machines -- which I completely understand from a business perspective, but still, not fun to see so much culled out of their tennis portfolio all at once...
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Hall of Fame
On a side note, not that anyone in larger enough volume really cares -- and that's probably what drove them to do it -- but it's kind of depressing to see Gamma discontinue several of their synthetics (all of the Ocho TNT's -- no huge loss there) and co-poly's (iO, Jet, Moto Soft -- I'll miss Jet, that was a good one) inside of just a few years post-release, now with only three polys remaining in their US catalog: Ocho, Moto and Sapphire. Maybe they're in the midst of a full revamp, but I'd wager they're just cutting their losses, divesting from so much put into tennis string, and doubling down on pickleball and stringing machines. Which I completely understand from a business perspective, but still, not fun to see so much culled out of their tennis portfolio all at once...
Agreed, they had a very nice portfolio but maybe went to broad without the marketing or promotional ability to support it.

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
Another 75 minutes today and the ability to grip the ball is decreasing. It’s continuing to lose launch angle though the launch angle is still pretty high for a round string. But spin feels harder to generate and getting the response I expect seems to require more precise contact. When I switch to my freshly strung racquet with Confidential, the change seems greater with every outing. This makes me think that Sapphire gradually changes playability characteristics rather than having a cliff falloff like Alu Power, so I can adjust from session to session. It it also makes me feel like restringing it and going to a fresh bed will require an adjustment.

Tension has gone down by another 0.9 pounds and is now 6.2 pounds total loss or 14.5%. Usually by the fourth or fifth hour, tension loss has leveled off but Sapphire’s tension loss seems to be still occurring with every outing. It definitely could have used more tension to start, and I wonder if the thinner gauge would experience even greater tension loss.
In the last week, I've hit outdoors in sunny temps of between 50 and 70 degrees. I now have a total of about nine hours on the string and it seems to have settled into a plateau of tension loss. Currently, total loss is 8.3 pounds according to RacquetTune, or 19.4%.

The loss of launch angle has stabilized without further decreasing. It's still among the highest launch angle of round strings that I have tried, and most of those have been thinner than the 1.28 I'm testing. But let me clarify this a bit more. What I find with shaped and thinner strings is that the more spin I try to impart, the higher the launch angle. With round strings, I've usually found that even on flatter strokes, round strings have a lower launch angle and any increase in launch angle due to trying to impart more spin is less than the increase with a shaped and thinner string. So with the 1.28 Sapphire, the launch angle with flatter strokes has decreased by less an amount than the launch angle when I'm trying to put heavy spin.

Also around the three hour mark when the strings notched, spin capability decreased but hasn't noticeably further decreased even though the contact surface is now flattened due to wear. Notching is about 40% of the way through so there's a lot of life left - probably another 12-15 hours before breakage or 20-25 hours total. Usually with 1.20 Confidential, I get around 12 hours before breakage but in general, I do try to put more spin on the ball using Confidential. With Sapphire, I've mostly gone to flatter but harder hitting. I am hitting a few more balls long but not that many as the lower launch angle decreases the height my shots go over the net. I do feel like the number of balls I am hitting into the net has increased by maybe one-third.

Sapphire is still soft, forgiving, and powerful. The tension loss combined with the inherent power is creating some occasions when the ball flies unexpectedly. Doing it again, I would absolutely string this a few pounds tighter.

I pulled out the racquet with Proline Evolution that I strung up at the same time as Sapphire. Prior to this test, I thought PL Evolution was among the best of the round strings that I have tried, but Sapphire has pretty clearly been a better round string for me. It has a higher launch angle (which I like but others may not like), is more forgiving when missing the sweet spot, and has a lively feeling without also feeling like control is any worse, at least at the beginning of the test when the tension was higher.

I keep thinking before I get on court that I need to pay more attention to how the string sounds on impact because others have said it makes a different sound, but if it does sound differently, I haven't noticed it. When I'm hitting with it, I'm just happy with how easy it is hit flatter balls with this string, and how forgiving it is as I first transitioned to playing outdoors for the first time in half a year.

Due to the loss of control, I'll probably cut Sapphire out even though it still feels lively, powerful, and forgiving. My game is more effective with a more spin capable string but if I ever do switch to a round string, Sapphire would be at the top of my list.


Mine sheared today during my rally session at the 13h mark of the playtest. I felt like it was going to happen also. I was hitting a lot of balls towards the top of the hoop. Told my hitting buddy and bam! Notching was not deep at all, less than 15%, for sure. The mains were just starting to stay slightly out of place. It was a good run. Power was still good. Feel was still soft. Directional control was still good but, occasionally, flew long.

Post break, I switched to my stock 2019 CX 200T 18*20 strung with MSV Focus Hex Soft 17/Gosen OG Micro 17 at 44#/48# last November. I thought it was going to be a rough switch for all the reasons that you all may be thinking. Interestingly, adjustment was minimal and everything felt pretty good up until I started to become fatigued towards the 2 hour mark. I was getting free spin from the shaped FHS and power was almost even.

I'll have the full review on the Sapphire within the next day or two.


On a side note, and not that enough people really care -- that's probably what drove them to do it -- but it's kind of depressing to see Gamma discontinue a good portion of their entire tennis string lineup: several of their synthetics (the Ocho TNT's -- no huge loss there) and co-poly's (iO, Jet, Moto Soft -- I'll miss Jet, that was a good one), all inside of just a few years post-release. Now they only have three polys remaining in their US catalog: Ocho, Moto and Sapphire. Maybe they're in the midst of a full revamp, but I'd wager they're just cutting their losses and diverting resources from tennis string into more profitable areas, such as pickleball and doubling-down on their stringing machines -- which I completely understand from a business perspective, but still, not fun to see so much culled out of their tennis portfolio all at once...

Agreed, they had a very nice portfolio but maybe went to broad without the marketing or promotional ability to support it.

I'm gonna hope for the overhaul. I haven't really done a deep dive into the Gamma strings because there has seemed to be an abundance of options. Hopefully they are going back to the drawing board and going to combine the best features of each and reduce the overall quantity of varying strings to select.

I don't know how recent it was discontinued, but I have a guy on my team who uses Gamma ZO Twist. He bought a bunch of packs and is down to his last one or two. He'll obviously have to find something else going forward.


New User
I have playtested about 7 hours total and I really enjoy this Gamma Sapphire string. I want to hold off my reviews until I get over 10 hours of playtest time. Anyways, it is best to tryout this string when TW is offering Gamma Sapphire 1.28mm Promo String for only $2 (while supplies last). Thank you @TW Staff and Gamma Company.


Hall of Fame
Well I think I've hit the about 6hrs (paging @Injured Again)
Here's what the stringbed is exhibiting and why it is likely getting cut.
Erratic response, first and foremost
And it feels "stretched out" in effect like the snapback is gone.
Full swings and the ball is barely past the service line, also lower spin.
It reminds me a bit of how Cyclone Tour acts when it dies, except Cyclone Tour got a little harsh for me.
This is still playable but the diminished performance is noticeable and makes it not worth continuing. The loss of control is also apparent.
This did seem to start at about the 3hr mark but has gotten worse, pretty disappointing because I liked the other aspects of the string.

Final review to come.


Hall of Fame
Also paging @Cowboy Maybe the humidity killed it faster.
I'm in FL, right now humidity is 75%
It was very humid on Wednesday when I played and also hot and humid on my very first outing last week.

I lean more towards blaming the inherent tension maintenance properties of the string itself, however, Sapphire does feel softer so I could see how humidity would accelerate the tension loss.


Which Gauge did you receive?: 1.28

Tension(s) used for playtest: 44#/42#

Regular string setup: I don't consider having a regular setup since I've been bouncing around after my last set of Lynx Tour 17/Gosen OG Micro 17 setup in November. My most recent setups included Tru Pro Black Knight 17, MSV Focus Hex Soft and Plus 25, Kirschbaum Orange and Flash 17 (KBF17).

Racquet used for test: 2021 Dunlop CX 200 Tour 16*19 with an unknown amount of lead lodged within the throat and under the butt cap to get 341g static wt and 31.6cm balance.

Power/Control of test string: Power was very good on the ground. Compared to typical low powered polys like KBF17, Gamma Sapphire 16 (GS16) had considerably more power. So much more that it made me think that I should have strung this playtest a few lbs higher to reduce the number of long balls. Directional control good on cross court shot but with the extra power, I didn't have as much confidence going down the line unless I had time to set up and put extra spin on the ball.

Flat and spin serves were both respectable. Pace-wise, I felt that it was comparable to KBF17. Spins were, however, better. This didn't necessarily give me more confidence on wide serves but, my kickers did have more bite.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): The strings were soft and super plush. This stood out to me.

Spin: Although spin was easier to generate than typical round polys, off the ground, I craved the easy rpm's that I got from shaped polys. The launch angle was on par with other round polys, predictable and consistent.

There were no issues with spin on serves. As mentioned before, my kickers had good bite, noticeably better than KBF17.

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?): There was no break-in period with these strings. What I got from the start was pretty much what I ended up with when it broke. I appreciated this attribute coming off of the KBF17 playtest.

I sheared the strings at the 13 hour mark of my playtest. During the entire playtest, performance was excellent with regards to consistency. Degradation was not noticeable during that time. Notching was very minimal (less than 15%) at the breaking point. The strings were just beginning to slightly stay out of place. If I didn't shear them, I think I would have gotten close to 20 hours, if not more, of playability from them.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?): As mentioned earlier, if I was able to do this again, I'd go a few more pounds tighter (48# - 50#) to reign in the power on the ground. I strongly believe that overall comfort would still be there while gaining more depth control.

List any additional thoughts (optional): My overall thought is that this is a solid playing string. It is plush and arm friendly with easy power. You may have to make some tension adjustments but, once dialed in, it'll play very nice. The only thing that I felt was missing, for me, was more spin off the ground. I craved the extra free rpm's that I get from shaped polys.

I also loved the color and it being biodegradable. I do have a question though. How would the garbage folks know that they are biodegradable? I felt a little guilty disposing them in the green bin.

Once again, thanks so much to TW and Gamma for having me on this playtest! It was a pleasure.


Hall of Fame
Good morning everyone! Glad to have had the chance to test these strings out to the fullest!

Which Gauge did you receive?: 1.28

Tension(s) used for playtest: 52/48

Regular string setup: Currently Ive been using toroline kpro at 48 but ive been trying other strings as of recent. Confidential 17g, Toroline Snapper, Ghostwire etc.

Racquet used for test: Dunlop CX 200 with a leather grip

Power/Control of test string:
Was honestly surprised how much pop and control I was getting with this string. I definately thinks this would benefit players who have full confisdence in their strokes and rewarded for swinging fast. Especially when comparing to another round poly like ghostwire, I was getting way more out of the sapphire and overall felt more confident with this set up.

I dont have the biggest spin game and I try to step in and take timing away from my opponets with my power and control and this was something this set up was able to give to me. I can probably talk about the cons later on but overall, was very satisfied of what I got from this string.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?):
Comparing to how soft ghostwires are, this was a very comfortable string. I usually shy away from 16g bc Ive always liked a full bed of 17g but I can say that the strings felt pretty muted and comfortable.

Just like others who have used shaped poly, this will get you whatever you put in. I previously mentioned full swings and if you take advantage of that with this string set up, you can get whats considered a good amount of spin coming from a traditional round poly. Once I started adjusting to swing up and through more rather than flatten out, I was greeted with good depth and spin to keep my partner back.

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?):
When stringing this up, I took it out right away fresh off the stringing and felt that it was good to go from the get go. I dont usually break strings but over time it felt better to me with either setting in or tension dropping. As far as tension drop off, I didnt feel like it dropped off too much but you will start to notice after a day or two and then would have to readjust from there. Notching came in pretty quick probably due to switching up to more of a spin game when drilling but noticed I had to fix my strings pretty often after a few rallies.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?):
I actually really liked my tension set up. Ive been tinkering with my tensions for awhile now and see myself hovering towards lowering my tension. I hope that with others who string a bit higher to see their response, but as far as my set up wise I was really happy. Maybe the only knock would be experimenting again and dropping the tension a bit more for the thicker guage to see if I can get a bit more ease of power and spin.

List any additional thoughts (optional):
Overall, this was a very fun play test. The light blue coming off my all red racket made it look so nice and I was met with a string that rewarded me as long as I had the confidence to do so, nothing super special when comparing to strings like confidential or hyper g, but a very solid round poly set up. My only con or knock on this string is wishing I was able to get the thinner guage set up. Like mentioned above, I tend to play with 17g and have been lowering my tension so going back to a 16g felt weird to me in the beginning but was not a bad adjustment.

Thank you again @TW Staff and Gamma for this playtest!


New User
Good morning all! I hope everyone is enjoying this playtest. Here is my review of Gamma Sapphire 1.28 mm.
  • Which Gauge did you receive? 1.28 mm
  • Tension(s) used for playtest: 46 lbs
  • Regular string setup: Tourna Big Hitter Silver 7 Tour 17g
  • Racquet used for test: 2021 Yonex Vcore 95
  • Power/Control of test string: The Gamma Sapphire 1.28 string provided ample power during my playtest, almost feeling too powerful for my swing speed at 46 lbs. Control was satisfactory, although I found it to be on the livelier side compared to other low-powered polys I've used.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): The feel of the string was notably soft and plush, offering a comfortable experience throughout my playtest. It didn't feel stiff or muted, allowing me to connect with the ball confidently.
  • Spin: Spin production with the Gamma Sapphire 1.28 string was impressive, particularly on serves and groundstrokes. I was able to generate great spin, and kick serves were awesome.
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?): I did notice some tension loss over time, which affected the playability of the string. While it didn't drastically impact performance, it's worth noting that the string seemed to lose tension somewhat faster than expected.
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?): Since I mainly play with a crisp-feeling string, I would probably string it higher (50 lbs) next time to achieve a slightly crisper feel while still maintaining its softness.
  • List any additional thoughts (optional): Overall, I found the Gamma Sapphire 1.28 string to be a solid option for players seeking a comfortable and lively polyester string with good spin potential. While it may require some experimentation with tension to fine-tune power and control, its soft feel and impressive spin capabilities make it a compelling choice for those looking to enhance their performance on the court.
Thank you @TW Staff and Gamma for allowing me to be part of this playtest!

Fighting phoenix

Here's my review of the Gamma Sapphire 1.23 gauge string. I typically play 4.0 and 4.5 level USTA tennis, both singles and doubles, 52 yr old all court player, former junior and college player experimenting a lot with strings and racquets over the last two years, when I started playing regularly again after an on and off again relationship with tennis since my college days.

  • Which Gauge did you receive? 1.23 - seems I'm in the minority here as most seem to have gotten the 1.28. I typically prefer thinner gauges so this was a good thing from my POV
  • Tension(s) used for playtest - 50 lbs, my reference tension
  • Regular string setup - around 50 lbs, depending on the weather conditions and type of string. Usually I use Toroline strings, Lynx Tour, and more recently RPM Rough usually in the 1.25 gauge range.
  • Racquet used for test - Pure Strike 100 16x20 v4
  • Power/Control of test string - I found power and control in general to be about average for a poly - nothing really of note here, as power and control in this regard was really dictated by myself and my racquet vs. the string. No problem in this regard, but nothing really stood out either.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) - I found the strings to be comfortable and very muted - the muted part is really not my cup of tea. I tend to prefer crisper polys with good pocketing, and can forgive more muted polys that have good pocketing and otherwise help with my touch/finesse game. In this regard, I didn't get the benefit of good dwell time/pocketing that I expected, so feel in general was not what I had expected and didn't enjoy this aspect of the string.
  • Spin - spin I found to be slightly below average for a round poly, which disappointed me especially given the thinner gauge. I tend to like the consistency I get from round polys, but this was worse than I expected.
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?) - Unlike others, I did experience about a 30 minute break in period where the string bed felt somewhat boardy and needed time to break in. Tension maintenance I felt was good for a poly, and after about 8 hours of hitting (both singles and doubles) I did experience notching and some tension loss, but generally not much and I still felt like it was playing fine and could have lasted another few hours.
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?) - I might want to go down in tension a little more to help improve pocketing and dwell time.
  • List any additional thoughts (optional) - this test was hard for me, since I'm a big fan of Gamma strings - TNT was my go-to syn gut back in the day (I didn't discover polys until about 2 years ago lol), and Gamma AMP Moto Yellow is one of my favorite polys. Unfortunately, this string does not work for me based on the feel and below average spin generation - I need something crisper and more spin friendly for my game. I could recommend this string to others, and I really wanted to like it given that it's bio-degradeable and what not, but there are definitely better options in my opinion. For what it's worth, the packaging and color of the string are pretty cool, so I think the marketing aspect of it is definitely spot on.
Thank you TW and Gamma for the opportunity!


I got the 1.23 and strung it up at 48, which is a little higher then what I normally do to compensate for the thin gauge and how much power people said the string has... Still too much for me. My shots were cannon fires aimed at the fence as the string doesn't give enough spin to compensate for the power. Also, wasn't as soft as people said :(
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  • Which Gauge did you receive? 1.23
  • Tension(s) used for playtest - 55 lbs prestretched 20%
  • Regular string setup - Diadem Solstice Black 15L 55lbs prestretched 20%
  • Racquet used for test - Prince ATS Textreme Tour 95
  • Power/Control of test string - Right off the bat felt like a powerful string but proved to have a nice dipping inside the baseline. Medium-high launch angle with good net clearance and easy depth. The string sprays a bit more than expected against hard groudstrokes and strong serves.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) - Comfortable string. Started off plush, then went muted after 4 hours, then got mushy after 8 hours. Started off having trouble finding connection to the ball but got used to the string after about 30 min of hitting.
  • Spin - Doesn't have the greatest bite on the ball, but no problem generating spin on full swings without the fear of overhitting. Good ball pocketing from the stringbed.
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?) - Great string for around 9 hours. Quite happy with the amount of time it stayed playable. The tension loss was gradual not dramatic.
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?) - Yes I would string it at 58 lbs for better control and lower launch angle.
Which Gauge did you receive?
  • 1.28mm
Tension(s) used for playtest
  • 48lbs, same in mains/crosses. Strung professionally at the shop I typically use, by the same guy as usual.
Regular string setup
  • Lynx Tour 17 at 48lbs, although recently I've been experimenting with gut/poly. My other racquet is currently strung with VS mains, Poly Tour Strike crosses.
Racquet used for test (and a little about me)
  • Yonex Percept 100, with some added weight in the handle.
  • I'm a ~3.5 all-court player; I like to play an aggressive S&V style when I'm feeling confident, but have been getting stuck at the baseline too much lately.
  • My demo included some drill sessions at my local club, along with a couple matches. I have been participating in an indoor 3.75 flex league for the winter.
Power/Control of test string
  • Unlike some others, I did NOT find Sapphire to be a powerful string. In fact, I noticed a fairly significant drop in power from my usual Lynx Tour string job. I felt that I needed to take significantly bigger cuts at the ball to generate both pace and spin, to keep up with my opponents. As a result, my control suffered in general. I don't think this means the string-bed itself lacked control. On the contrary: I felt like I had good placement when the string was in its playability "sweet spot." The ball went where I wanted it to go, and I didn't have many random flyers. I felt the launch angle was relatively consistent, medium/low height. I would say it was comparable to most other round polys I've tried in the past.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?)
  • Also a pretty different take from most others: I found Sapphire to be quite stiff, to the point of being uncomfortable. The first 30 minutes of hitting was the most uncomfortable I've ever been with my racquet; it was unbelievably stiff and boardy. It was borderline unplayable at first. I put it down and switched racquets for a little while and then came back to it, finding that it had significantly dropped tension and was much better for the remainder of my hitting session. It was still quite firm, but closer to the Lynx Tour that I'm used to. For the next couple of hours it felt like a typical crisp/firm round poly to me, not too firm but certainly not soft either.
  • Spin was somewhat inconsistent for me. I felt like I needed to really commit to my shots and focus on following through hard, in order to generate the same amount of spin that I'm used to from Lynx Tour. My other racquet's gut/poly strings provided significantly easier access to spin throughout the playtest. I was sometimes surprised at how much spin I was able to generate, when I really whipped through my shot. Other times I took "regular" cuts at the ball and was disappointed with less spin than usual. This inconsistency really spiked around the 3-4 hour mark. Serves had a decent amount of spin, but my opponents mentioned that I had significantly more spin and kick when I switched to my gut/poly racquet.
Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?)
  • After the initial tension drop around 30 minutes that I mentioned, the playability remained pretty consistent for the next few hours. At about the 4 hour mark, I noticed the stringbed was really firming up, and I started to get a much more inconsistent response. I was still taking bigger swings than usual to generate pace and spin, but I was starting to get many more random flyers. I noticed at this point that the central part of the stringbed had notched and locked up, while the outer portions of the stringbed were still free to move and snap back. This probably explains why I had such different feel on each shot; it depended on whether I caught the central part of the sweet spot or not. Somewhere around the 6 hour mark I gave up on the string all together because I started to get quite a bit of elbow pain, probably from over-swinging to try and generate more spin.
Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?)
  • I would probably go lower to soften up the stringbed more. I might also consider stringing the crosses lower to promote a higher launch and more snap-back. I would probably try something like 47m/44c if I tried the string again.
List any additional thoughts (optional)
  • Overall, this one's not for me. It was too stiff and low-powered, and the playability duration was just too short. With Lynx Tour I'm used to a somewhat inconsistent first hour of play, then about 8-10 hours of the same feel/response, then a gradual decline and stiffening feel until I cut it out around 12-14 hours.
  • I really don't like to play with strings where I feel like I'm getting something different each time I pick up the racquet, because it's "aging" so quickly. That's basically what I felt with Sapphire; each time I took out the racquet, I needed to re-calibrate because it dropped tension and bagged out so quickly.
  • It also forced me to change my playstyle and swing much harder than usual, which I don't like. It might be good for someone who really likes to swing out, or who uses a more powerful racquet.
  • I DO really appreciate the bio-degradable aspect of the string. I don't feel great about throwing a bunch of plastic in the trash all the time.
  • Thanks to TW and Gamma for the opportunity to test it out, it was fun to be part of the playtest!


Gamma Sapphire 1.28 Playtest: Thanks to Gamma and TW for making this happen !!

Gauge received: 1.28 / 16

Tension(s) used: 44 mains / 45 crosses

Regular Setup: Shaped Poly / Round Poly, lately Volkl Cyclone 16 or Hyper-G 17 mains 44/45 lbs) with PP Nano Vendetta as a cross (47lbs)

Racquet used: Babolat Pure Strike 98 16x19 Project One

Power/Control of test string

Power: Easy power, not overpowering. This is a lively string but did not feel too powerful. If you like dead control oriented strings – you won’t be a fan. On the other hand, if you like lively strings you may have found an option for yourself. When used properly this burst was

Control: I found power and control with this string, but skewed more towards power. I felt control was very good, and once you dial in your distances. Shots were landing deeper in baseline rallies. Launch was a bit higher than most round polys especially once you got used to the power-curve of the string. This string gave me an edge

Feel: Very comfortable. I played the 1.28 and it felt and played like a much thinner string in terms of comfort and stiffness. Sapphire is a softer poly, so ideal for people trying out a poly or tired of board-like polys or those looking for a little extra comfort in a poly. It was comfortable without being mushy or too muted and had nice touch. Love this string on volleys, groundstrokes and overheads. With it being a softer poly there was bit more ball pocketing which I felt enhanced the feel and spin.

Spin: I have been surprised by the spin this string generates for a round poly. More than adequate. I find it has a bit higher than average launch from the string bed and that hopefully means a touch more spin in my experience. For me that was the case with Sapphire, otherwise with this string being a bit on the powerful side ( for polys) control could have been an issue.

Playability Duration: I played about 11-12 hours with Sapphire and while I could have played another session, I could also see cutting it out earlier too. To its credit Sapphire played similarly throughout, but it did loosen up after the first 3 hours (when mild notching became noticeable) and then again around 7-8 hours (when notching became much more pronounced) . This translating into more power, a bit less spin, launch was a touch lower and was it not as precise as it had been. It was still playable and comfortable, but a touch more unpredictable.

Tension Recommendations: I used a Pure Strikes 98 16x19 @ 44 mains / 45 crosses and while this was good, I would think bumping it up a couple pounds (or more for others) would be even better. It is a comfortable /powerful string so you’d likely get better control with loosing much if anything on the other fronts.

Additional thoughts:

100% Biodegradable – this along with its performance characteristics is quite good. Gamma could do even better if it used even more minimalist packaging ala Luxilon. Glad to see this step forward by Gamma.

Great looking string – the soft turquoise blue is stunning. If you like colors and are tired of seeing neon-green - you will love this.

Who will like this string?
Well this string should suit a wide group of rec. players who will like the power and control it generates relative to the strings most use in their racquets. It is soft enough that it is a great gateway into polys for many wanting to try them. On top of all that it lessens the impact on our environment.

Hybrid? : For those looking to add a little extra pop to a stiffer string, Sapphire could be your answer.

Lastly I wonder what this means for those that leave strings in for months and years:

“Biodegradable refers to the ability of materials to break down and return to nature. In order for packaging products or materials to qualify as biodegradable, they must completely break down and decompose into natural elements within a short time after disposal – typically a year or less”.
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Hall of Fame
The Chairman3's review of Gamma Sapphire 1.23

Which Gauge did you receive? 1.23

Tension(s) used for playtest:

Regular string setup: Poly at 48lbs, PT Strike and Hawk Power are on the go-to list

Racquet used for test: Solinco Whiteout 18x20 w/ leather grip

Power/Control of test string: Sapphire definitely leaned more on the power side, really a nice complement to the Whiteout. Control was decent in the beginning but tension loss did start to set in kind of quickly and that did decrease control. So, overall, control was pretty average. The most noticeable was on directional control. I typically like to redirect shots, especially in doubles, and after 3-4hrs it was noticeably worse. You really had to get that ball early and even then you might miss your target. The power level was good though, mostly controllable until tension loss started getting worse, but I think this string would do well on control frames or lower-powered frames and probably denser patterns.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): I really enjoyed the feel of this string. It reminded me a little of my beloved Head Lynx that I used to use wherein it wasn't soft but wasn't crisp or plastic-y either. Sapphire just had a nice medium level firmness but very enjoyable to me. I like the less plastic-y/crisp more communicative low-medium firm strings. It wasn't mushy but did get a little springy as playtime wore on. It had nice pocketing and didn't really seem that muted. I would also call it forgiving in terms of how it felt. I think it could help soften a stiffer frame. The feel was probably the best attribute of this string. I think the 1.23 guage helped the feedback for sure, the string felt thin.

Spin: Spin was pretty good for a round string but did start to decline. I think I posted earlier it sort of felt stretched out as playtime increased, I think this feeling was impacting snapback and spin. But up until about 4hrs the level of spin was up near Hyper-G round, which is to say pretty good. Maybe the thinner 1.23 guage helped but you'd have to read reviews from the 1.28 playtesters and compare. I think for the most part this string gives you the spin you put into it but it does give you a little extra.

Playability Duration: So this was most disappointing. I played the string 6-7hrs and then cut it as, by then, performance had diminished pretty significantly. The peak was 3-4hrs, starting to decline by 5hrs. After 5hrs it was losing control and spin. I consider like 5-7hrs average, maybe 6-8, so this was below average. Sadly, the string is not an overachiever so the low playability duration does hurt its appeal. But see additional thoughts below.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?): I strung at 48lbs in a semi-powerful control racquet and thought it worked well. The string is very forgiving so you wouldn't have to worry about stringing a little higher if you wanted to gain more control. I bought the two sets for $2, so I may go up 2lbs and see if it performs better.

List any additional thoughts (optional): Despite the mediocre playability duration, I liked this string. I bought the two sets when they were on promo for $2. The ones I bought are the 1.28, so it'll be interesting to compare. As I said, it reminds me of my former love Head Lynx (I moved on because I ran out and wanted to see what else was out there) in how it feels. Lynx did have better control though. For me, it isn't a viable option long-term. I value tension maintenance the most and I don't string my own racquets. For someone who does string their own racquets and wants a little more power and forgiving feel, this is a great option. Also definitely like the color; I consistently proclaim my admiration for poly strings with interesting colors.

Thank you @TW Staff for continuing to allow my participation. I really enjoy being able to contribute.


Gamma Sapphire playtest
  • Which Gauge did you receive?: 1.23
  • Tension(s) used for playtest: 48
  • Regular string setup: OEHMS Matador Strike/ Head lynx tour
  • Racquet used for test: Prince Synergy 98
  • Power/Control of test string: the string has too much power for me and not enough control. I was shooting balls 4-5 feet long on a number of shots. Made me feel paranoid about my shots and I had to compress the stroke more. Really had to try to get under the ball to get the spin needed to keep it in.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): A bit stiff and hurt my wrist. The off center shots sent sharp pain in my wrist. It opened up a a bit after the first half hour to hour but the damage to the wrist was already done. I can feel the snapback but I still wasn't confident in my shots.
  • Spin: Low. Even low snap back when fresh. You really have to be on point and get under the ball to get spin on the ball..
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?) I only got 4 hours out of it. I did 3 hours the first session and hurt my wrist. I tried again a week later but gave up after an hour as my wrist still hurts and I'm going to take a longer break. I'm cutting these strings out because I don't think I'm getting another play session before the play test ends and isn't worth trying to prolong this. I wasn't able to get the string to work for me
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?) I would keep the same as I don't like going higher tension. I might have tried this in an different racquet though. Maybe it was a bad combo. The synergy has a high swing weight so I like more controlled and spin friendly strings in the racquet as it's easier to swing out vs compacting or finessing my strokes
  • List any additional thoughts (optional): I like the fact that this string is biodegradable but... Can we get some shape or edges on it?!? The lack of spin and amount of power is too much. I thought I could have gotten even more out of it if I hybrided with velocity or ogsm in the cross

Update: I didn't play on playing with my wrist but friend invited me to play out of the blue. Strings are now starting to stay out of place and the ball is launching a bit less. Makes it a bit more playable for me but I still have to impart more spin then my natural form allows or else they fly. I think I would rather go with a stiffer muti then use this for a soft poly purpose as I can string excel, Xalt, and velocity in the 50's without worrying about my arm
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New User
Gamma Sapphire Playtest Review:

Gamma Sapphire is made from 100% biodegradable material, and it feels and behaves similar to co-poly string. There was no issue encountered during the stringing and I allowed couple days for the strings tension to settle in before playtesting. Gamma Sapphire provided me about 15 hours of playtest time, and it provided playing characteristics like the above average co-poly tennis strings with a good playability duration.

Which Gauge did you receive?
Received 1.28 mm/16 gauge Gamma Sapphire string for the playtest on 3/12/2024.

Tension(s) used for playtest:
Using two-piece stringing method, full-bed Gamma Sapphire 16 (GS 16) strung at (50 lbs Mains x 50 lbs Crosses) using Egnas FLEX 740 drop weight stringing machine.

Regular string setup:
My regular string setups consist of hybrid of 16 gauge Tier One Black Night (1.28 mm) or Kirschbaum Max Power Rough (1.30 mm) as the mains at 52 ± 1 lbs, and 17 gauge Head Lynx Tour (1.25 mm) or Tecnifibre Razor Soft (1.25 mm) as the crosses at 52 ± 1 lbs on my Head Prestige Mids and Pro Tour Mid Plus racquets.

Racquet used for test:
Head Pro Tour 280 Mid Plus (18 x 20), customized at 380 g static weight and 8-point HL (unstrung).

Power/Control of test string:
Full-bed GS 16 provided both sufficient power and control for the well-constructed shots. The control and power transfer that the string bed provided during serves, baseline, and at the net is excellent. I loved the put-away shots that were generated from the playtest setup.
Full-bed GS 16 provided more power when compared with my regular hybrid string setups. However, my regular hybrid string setups provided better control than the full-bed GS 16.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?)
Full-bed GS 16 string tension of 50 lbs mains / 50 lbs crosses provided me with mute and comfortable feel during the ball impacts. It felt muter and more comfortable with the full-bed GS 16 when compared with my regular hybrid string setups.

The controllable spin generation was there whenever I needed it. I could generate easier spin (perhaps a little more) with my regular hybrid string setups due to shaped mains. However, the spin potential of the full-bed GS 16 maintained throughout the playtest.

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?)
The mains got notched and the crosses got elongated without any notching. Even after 15 hours of a hard hitting with the noticeable notches on the mains strings, the full-bed GS 16 provided an exceptional control and feel while minimal loss on playability.
Full-bed GS 16 has less playability duration when compared with my regular hybrid string setups.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?)
Full-bed GS 16 strung at 50 lbs mains / 50 lbs crosses provided a nice feel with sufficient power and control throughout the playtest. I may increase string tension up to 53 lbs to increase the control but the feel may decrease.

List any additional thoughts (optional)
Full-bed GS 16 maintained playability duration well and provided snapbacks throughout playtest until the cut-offs at 15 hours playtest. However, I believe this string would be a good cross string for my string setup to enhance power. I bought two 40 feet sets of GS 17 to conduct more playtests and use GS 16 as crosses on 16 gauge Tier One Black Night and Kirschbaum Max Power Rough mains.
Because Gamma Sapphire is made from 100% biodegradable material, it should be stored in an ideal environment and avoid exposure to a long-term extreme environment condition.

Lastly, special thank you to @TW Staff and Gamma Company for the Gamma Sapphire (16 gauge/1.28 mm) string playtest opportunity.


Which Gauge did you receive? 1.23

Tension(s) used for playtest:

Regular string setup: I've been testing strings left and right, so it's been a while haha. Either PTP (16L) or Lynx Tour (17g) at 54 lbs

Racquet used for test: Head Auxetic Gravity MP

Power/Control of test string: On a scale of control to power for a poly, this is definitely touching the power end. One of my favorite strings to play with recently is Luxilon Eco power, so I had MANY assumptions/expectations for sapphire. This was definitely more powerful than Eco Power, but all's that to say, it wasn't uncontrollable by any means.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): This is the main component of this string. It did it's job. Eco friendly and arm friendly. Played well (if the playstyle suits you), and did not lack significantly in any category (maybe playability duration/too powerful for some stiff poly users). I am a HUGE fan of that disgusting -plastic-y feeling of strings that PTP or Head Lynx has (credits to Chairman, the original Head Lynx was a great comparison). It had that crisp/plastic feeling and very comfortable. Probably the ideal set up for soft poly users. In terms of recommendation, it's PTP if you want more "power" in your set up with slightly less playability duration but also cheaper.

Spin: For a round poly, this was on the better end. I would compare the spin generation of round strings to be slightly less than PTP (which to me is probably one of the best for round polys). There should be no issues generating spin with this string and getting serves to slice or kick. With that in mind, it was definitely a string that benefited more from full flat-er strokes/serves. So although you can create spin, flat serves felt much better (imo).

Playability Duration: There was no break-in period, but there was a fall-off period. Right off the stringer, it felt great, I loved the feel (as mentioned above), but after around 8-10 hours, there was definitely a drop in spin or tension drop? Felt as if balls were flying long by a few inches more often than not. Sometimes I'd hit a shot that I felt really good on, and it would sail a tad further than I had aimed for (even when trying to aim much shorter).

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?): Even though I strung at 54lbs for a poly, I'd honestly go up to 57 to account for the tension drop and dial back down the power of the string.

List any additional thoughts (optional): I think it's a great string and does plenty different than other eco-friendly strings, so it definitely has a place in the market! Moving towards the Eco friendly stuff, this is definitely not a product "just to get it out there." Comparing it to ECO Power just because of similar colors and for fun and for reference to those who have used it (P = Lux Eco Power , S = Gamma Sapphire)
Spin: P > S
Power: S > P
Control P > S
Playability Duration P = S (seems to be the struggle right now with eco-friendly strings)
Comfort: S > P (my wrist is TERRIBLE and is VERY sensitive)
Feel (subjective): S > P


  • Which Gauge did you receive? 16G
  • Tension(s) used for playtest: 49 lbs
  • Regular string setup: Ytex Quadro Twist mains (56 lbs)/Tecnifibre Multifeel crosses (59 lbs)
  • Racquet used for test: Head Speed Pro Auxetic (2022)
  • Power/Control of test string: Right off the bat, this string gave me Yonex Poly Tour Pro vibes. I think it leans more towards the power side as it provided a lot of power at 49 lbs, however, the control was top notch for me. I would say the string gives you a lot of controllable power as I was able to take full swings at the ball with confidence. Even at 49 lbs (which is a lot lower than my regular tension (upper 50s)), I maintained a nice, low launch angle. Usually when I string polys below 50 lbs, I would expect balls to fly or have a pretty high launch angle so this string really impressed me in the control aspect.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): For a poly, this string is very comfortable. I was nervous at first because I do have golfer's elbow and I received the thicker 16G as my playtest which lead me to string at 49 lbs. After about 30 minutes, the strings broke in and were very soft on the arm. I don't normally hit fully poly, but I experienced little to no arm issues during this playtest which says a lot because I normally experience arm issues with full beds of polys. I'm very curious to see how a 17 G feels as the 16G felt great.
  • Spin: Spin on this string was pretty much average and what you would expect from a round poly. Balls will drop in with topspin ground strokes but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary in regards to spin with this string. I think it would be a great main for a hybrid for sure.
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?): The tension drop in this string was gradual and hardly noticeable for me. I still maintained top playability for over 12 hours and had light notching at around the 5 hour mark. Even after 12 hours, the string still plays great and I'm still getting great control on my shots so I can see it lasting several more hours. Again, I believe this string has some break in time as it was pretty stiff in the beginning, but after that, I felt more connected to the ball and confident that I could take full swings.
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?): I was iffy about going down to 49 lbs for this 16G string, but I enjoyed the tension that I strung it at. I think I could go even lower if I wanted more pop.
  • List any additional thoughts (optional): Overall, I really enjoyed this playtest and it has provided another poly option for me as well as those that have arm issues but are wanting the playability of a poly. With the additional benefit of it being bio degradeable and better for the environment, I hope that this string will be widely used and will probably buy a reel for my customers to try out. Thank you TW and Gamma for this playtest!


Time to submit my review with the string so far! I have had several hits with it and really enjoyed this string and will likely be purchasing more!
  • Which Gauge did you receive? I received the 1.28
  • Tension used for playtest: 25/24kg
  • Regular string setup: Hawk Power 26/25 or Alu Power 25/24
  • Racquet used for test: Head Boom Pro
  • Power/Control of test string: Sapphire seemed to me like a medium power poly similar in power level to Alu Power but I would say Sapphire had more control and a bit crisper feel than Alu Power. I found excellent control with Sapphire and even after several hits though it lost tension I didn’t encounter the loss of control/trampoline effect of some polys.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) Sapphire felt on the crisper side as a poly but still feeling stiff and muted. I didn’t have any discomfort with the string it was not jarring on mishits so I would say it is comfortable as polys go. I found this string to be similar to SPPP 1.28 in terms of control but I felt Sapphire had a bit more power and access to spin.
  • Spin: Spin was very good for a round poly, I think the thinner gauge would be an excellent spin string. I think compared to other 1.28-1.30 strings it gives comparable spin to some of the less extreme shaped strings (6-7-8 sided). I will be very interested to try the 1.23 gauge at a slightly higher tension it may be perfect fit for the Boom Pro.
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?) I noticed tension loss in the form of increased power and spring but not a significant loss of control. I didn’t encounter the trampoline feel that some polys have. Strings are beginning to move a little but still feel great.
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?) I think 55/53 for the 1.28 was a safe tension for me to start at. I would likely go down to 53/51 for the next go round. I am interested to try the 1.23 at the same or higher tension for a bit more touch/bite.
  • List any additional thoughts (optional) I really enjoyed the Sapphire and the color match is perfect in the Boom. The 1.23 may be my choice string for this frame in the future. It has more control than my usual Hawk Power and a bit more power than Alu Power. I think in the 1.23 gauge it will have similar bite to the 1.25 Alu/HHP gauges while keeping the control and access to spin. I think this poly may be a bit under powered for low low power frames. In thinner beams/control racquets I would try the 1.23 gauge first. I think the 1.28 would perform really excellent in open pattern frames like a babolat aero/pure drive, the ezone, blade 16x19.


Which Gauge did you receive? -1.23

Tension(s) used for playtest - 48lbs

Regular string setup - Mayami Tour Hex

Racquet used for test - Wilson Blade 98 V7

Power/Control of test string - There was a good balance of control and Power. Very easy depth and pace with this string with a very consistent launch angle. Directional control was good. My only adjustment was since I was coming from a shaped string that gives a little more bite with spin to dip the ball in sooner, I had a bit of an adjustment period to control my depth since there was more power but less spin that I would typically use with my racket. So first few sessions a lot of my shots were landing deep past the baseline.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) - Fairly comfortable poly. Very light and airy feeling. Crisp but soft, kind of like Styrofoam lol.

Spin - What you would expect for a round softish poly. No additional help but didn’t have to work extra hard to spin the ball if you have the technique. BYOS (bring your own spin).

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?) - No major tension drop that I experienced, actually it felt a little better to hit with the longer the play session, but could just be me dialing in more to the set up.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?) - I in the end adjusted to the power/spin ratio for this string but I would maybe up tension 2lbs from what you would typically string at if you use a stiffer and/or shaped poly.

List any additional thoughts (optional) - This string really reminded me of Yonex Poly Tour Pro. If you are looking for a recyclable version of Poly tour pro this might be a good try. It is also significantly cheaper. I would say playability/tension maintenance is better than poly tour pro too, but PTP had a little better spin and feel.


Which Gauge did you receive?: 1.23

Tension(s) used for playtest: 48lbs

Regular string setup: My most consistent set-up as of late has been Wasabi Pro Hybrid at 48/49

Racquet used for test: 2023 Vcore 98

Power/Control of test string: I would say that on the spectrum of power and control this would be a 7 out of 10 leaning towards the power side. Pretty lively, but not overly so (at least in the first few hours. After about 5 hours the power increased to the point that is was a bit launchy. I found myself having to overcompensate on spin in order to keep the ball in the court. It was a pretty hard string to tame towards the end of its life. Normally, I would have cut it out due to its erratic response, but I kept pushing forward to see if it would settle. Unfortunately, it did not settle for me and it was close to unplayable at about hour 10.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?): I would consider this string to be medium soft. It was comfortable throughout most of its life, but once it became erratic, my swing path had to change to add more spin which added a bit of soreness. I would not say this was due to the strings stiffness but as a byproduct of the attempt to tame the string. It had good ball pocketing and great feel for the first 5 hours.

Spin: I was surprised at the spin I got from a round string. Kick serves had good bite and groundstrokes had decent shape. These days I lean towards mediumly sharp strings for bite so I wasn't expecting too much, but the spin is serviceable and made the response from the stringbed predictable (for the first 5 hours).

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?): Straight off the stringer the string was good to play. I do not like strings that require any break in time, and this one did not disappoint. Like I've mentioned above there was a sharp dropoff in playability for me at about hour 5. Snapback decreased over time and notching was close to breaking at about hour 5. This locked up the stringbed for me and in addition to the power increase, had me sailing groundstrokes and serves long even with a lower launch angle.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?): The string is soft enough to consider going higher in tension from the beginning. Possibly in the mid to low 50s for me. That being said: it may make the string slightly boardy at first rather than plush like it was during this playtest at 48.

List any additional thoughts (optional): Great string for the first 5 hours for me, and then not so much. I can see it being a pretty good cross in a hybrid in order to soften up a stringbed. I also wonder if gauge would make a difference and if the 1.28 would give a more consistent playability experience thoughout its lifespan. I will say I am impressed by the biodegradable nature of the sting and hope it is a trend that continues with other strings in the Gamma lineup and with other companies in the industry.

Always a blast to participate in these. Thank you Tennis Warehouse and Gamma for the opportunity. I look forward to the next one!


Gamma Sapphire 1.23 Playtest Review
  • Which Gauge did you receive?
    • I received the 1.23mm to playtest.
  • Tension(s) used for playtest
    • 54 lbs
  • Regular string setup
    • Lately, hybrids usually with a poly main and multi cross
  • Racquet used for test
    • Head Boom Pro 2022
  • Power/Control of test string
    • I really liked the balance between power and control. I can take a full swing and trust the ball would land in. I would say it’s borderline under powered as some of the balls I would hit didn’t seem to penetrate into the court or do enough damage. However, I just made sure to put my body weight better into my shots.
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?)
    • I thought it was a comfortably muted string. I hit some great dropshots where the ball just died. Manageable on off center shots - not brassy.
  • Spin
    • Average. Especially in a dense pattern racquet like the Boom, I got no free spin. However, I was still able to control the ball with spin, hitting some loopy topspin shots as well as kick serves.
  • Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?)
    • Performance over time has gone up over time slightly. I prefer how this string opened up a bit as I kept playing with it. I could use the extra power, considering the string and the racquet. More spin and power over time.
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?)
    • I would string it the same. I would however like to see how the string would perform in even warmer weather.
  • List any additional thoughts (optional)
    • Matches my Boom Pro very well! Cheaper color alternative to Yonex Poly Tour Rev in Mint.
    • Glad it’s a biodegradable string.
    • Other than the color and environmentally friendly aspect, I thought this was a decent offering from Gamma. A good poly that I would choose over other average round polys - Kirschbaum Flash, Diadem Flash, Tourna Premium Poly, maybe similar to Tourna Big Hitter Silver.

Also I will give some thoughts on Gamma Sapphire 1.28 (courtesy of the TW Happy Hour deal) in my Head Speed MP 2022.
- firmer, snappy, a little jarring at times
- close to average spin
- more than average power
- consistent response
- prefer the 1.23 gauge in my Boom Pro and would probably prefer the 1.23 over the 1.28 in my Speed MP
This was cut short because I have two Head Speed MP 2022's I am using for the Head unreleased co-poly playlets.

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
My Gamma Sapphire 1.28 Review

Which gauge did you receive: 1.28

Tension(s) used for playtest: 48/45

Regular string setup: Solinco Confidential 1.20, 48/45 pounds

Racquet used for test: Babolat Aero 112

I recorded some video of my session against a ball machine using Sapphire 1.28 at about the three hour mark. Apologies for the poor and crooked aim.

Power/Control of test string:
I typically prefer stiffer, thin-gauge, low-powered poly strings so I found Sapphire to have considerably more power than my usual string, and would rate it as more powerful than the average poly string in general. It was easy to generate high levels of ball speed on ground strokes and serves, and volleys only required clean contact to generate putaway pace.

Despite the high power levels, control was very good. Directional control is very consistent in both aim and launch angle, and there was never a hot spot on the string bed where the ball seemed to come off with unexpected speed. It was also more easy than expected to take speed off the ball, making drop volleys relatively simple to execute.

Sapphire has a consistently high launch angle for a round string that is more typical of a moderately shaped and/or thinner poly string. However, the launch angle doesn’t increase as significantly as a shaped poly string as the swing becomes more vertical. This makes height control more dependent on racquet face angle rather than the degree of the vertical component of the swing.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?):
Sapphire has an elastic, lively feel that provides good pocketing sensation without feeling mushy. Contact provides a crisp feel without harshness. Sapphire is also among the more comfortable strings I’ve tested and it gives the sensation of increasing the size of the sweet spot. Mis-hits near the frame generate much less shock than other poly strings. It is rare that a string can feel powerful and comfortable, but still provide good feedback on impact and Sapphire does that very well.

Sapphire is one of the more spin capable round strings I have tried. When the string bed is fresh, the high launch angle adds to that impression. The actual amount of spin generated is a bit less than I can get from my normal 1.20 Confidential but still enough that I can play my normal game and not notice any deficit in being able to hit the shots I want. As a moderate topspin player who only occasionally hits heavy topspin but frequently uses heavy underspin, Sapphire has enough grip on the ball to easily reverse the spin after the ball bounces, and even a flat stroke trajectory generates a few rotations of topspin.

I did notice the lesser spin generation most when serving. In the deuce court trying to hit a wide slice serve, the ball would curve less in the air and after the bounce. However, the lower launch angle tends to make the ball land wide of the sideline so these two factors canceled each other and overall required minimal adjustment to hit my spot.

Serving from the ad side, I normally try to bounce the ball as high as possible to a righty backhand and it was here that my serve required some adjustment. Second serves tended to land more towards the middle of the box so I deliberately aimed for the middle of the doubles alley. I still got good bounce height on second serves.

Sensitivity to incoming spin is low and typical of round strings. I only had to make minimal adjustments when volleying heavily spun balls.

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?):
I tracked tension loss using RacquetTune from immediately after stringing, to sitting overnight, and after each playing session. Total tension loss over about 15 hours of play was 21%, with the string notched about half way through after that 15 hours of use. Unlike many other poly strings which have the majority of their tension loss in the first few hitting sessions, Sapphire had a little bit of tension loss over several sessions before further tension loss minimized. This made the string bed consistent and easy to adjust to from session to session.

The only significant change came at around the three hour mark when notching first began. Launch angle and spin generation both decreased a moderate amount over the course of one hitting session but stabilized afterwards.

Sapphire retained its playing characteristics through the entire time I used it. The elastic, lively feel was still there at 15 hours. Spin capability was still decent despite the ball contact surface wearing flat. And Sapphire never lost that comfortable, plush response.

I only noticed two issues near the end of my playing time. First is that as tension loss approached and exceeded 20%, I felt a loss of precise control and had some balls fly on me. Second was that it took a committed swing for a normal launch angle and spin generation. If I decelerated into the contact point, the ball would slide off the strings and would go into the net.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?):
I purchased the two promotional packs of 1.28 Sapphire and restrung at 51/48 versus my usual 48/45. The higher tension lowered the launch angle a slight bit but all of the other positive aspects of Sapphire were still there. I’m at about the six hour mark with this second string job and am finding it to be equally playable. With both stringings, I performed a light prestretch to remove coil memory, and then used a double pull on a lockout machine to remove the initial tension loss. Based on this, I would recommend stringing a couple to a few pounds tighter than with other poly strings, and using either a slow pull or pulling to above tension and then relaxing back to reference tension.

List any additional thoughts (optional):
Despite doing a light prestretch, coil memory was still moderate. Weaving the crosses showed average or slightly greater than average inter-string friction which led me to believe the string would have minimal movement and low launch angle during play but that wasn’t the case.

Overall, Sapphire 1.28 is an excellent round string that combines a lively, elastic, powerful, and comfortable response with a crisp feel and very good control. Sapphire ages well, with gradual performance changes that won’t require major adjustment or compensation from session to session.

As an older age group competitor who relies less on heavy topspin every year, this is a string that I could (and may) switch to from my current 1.20 Confidential. Sapphire would be an excellent upgrade for any poly string user who would like more comfort or power while retaining or increasing spin capability compared to other round strings. It would also be an excellent choice for a first time poly user.

Thanks to Gamma and Tennis Warehouse for allowing me to test Sapphire.


Thank you @TW Staff and @Gamma Tech / GAMMA SPORTS for providing the Sapphire string for this playtest.

Regular string set-up & tensionYonex Poly Tour Rev Orange 1.30 mm
Racquet(s) used for playtestDunlop Aerogel 4D 200 18 x 20, 95 sq. in., specs in signature


ColorCeleste or Robin's Egg Blue
Gauge1.23 mm per package - not measured independently
Tension23.6 kg/ 52.0 lbs
Tension Findings24.5 kg/ 54.0 lbs
Hours Played18 hrs - all doubles
Playability Duration8.0
Tournament SelectionYes

Power was (almost too) easily accessible and I was worried that perhaps I should have selected 1kg higher. My apprehension related to how the string bed would age and perhaps become too powerful. It was a pleasant surprise that the string bed felt consistent until the last couple of hours - I was also anticipating cutting out the string for the Head co-poly side-by-side comparison. The inherent power allow me to play more relaxed and without over-hitting for the most part.

I prefer 1.30mm string in general for control, but the Gamma Sapphire 1.23mm was much better than the average co-poly, and its softness and inherent power allowed me modulate strokes and achieve very good control.

Gamma Sapphire was very comfortable with excellent feedback from the string bed and, for those needing auditory feedback, a nice 'pop'. This remained consistent until the very end when the stringbed started feeling a bit too soft.

I had no trouble generating and modulating spin depending upon the stroke to be played - baseline and cross court sharp angled dippers, slices from either wing, and topspin backhand shots. I could serve effectively and hit the side line from both sides with accuracy. Penetration on driving slices was extremely rewarding as the string-on-ball resultave (edit: result gave) opponents more than they could handle.

Playability Duration
The 1.23 mm string probably should be replaced by an advanced singles player in eight hours, with the same player almost doubling serviceability in doubles play. The fresh bed of Sapphire feels great.

Tension Recommendations
For the 1.23mm I would increase reference tension by a kilogram. I look forward to sampling the 1.28mm version in the future.

Tournament Selection (added because I like this section with the Head Copoly Playtest)
Yes, I could play a tournament with this string and enjoy it.

FYI - I strung up the Head TVP 22-001 V1 and V2 in this racquet and its twin yesterday afternoon and have two hours on each. So far they have been great and there are subtle yet palpable differences between the two versions.
Last edited:


Which Gauge did you receive? 1.28

Tension(s) used for playtest: 48lbs.

Regular string setup: Hyper G 18g @ 48lbs

Racquet used for test: Yonex Ezone 98+

Power/Control of test string: I would say that I felt this string had a decent amount of power for a poly, it just seemed inconsistent.part of the may have been the players, but there were times I felt good pop while others it felt dead. The longer the string stayed in the more erratic that feeling came and went.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?
Comfortable?): the string for me was comfortable and did not give me any arm twinges or pain. For a poly, it did feel like a decent amount of comfort and a great option for someone with arm issues looking at a poly still. The overall feel of the string I would say can best be described as muted. The string also had a firm feeling as well, not stiff just firm. Like cutting with a butter knife, for lack of a better term.

Spin: spin was very inconsistent as well. Sometimes it felt like the spin potential was decent and other times it just felt like I had to really change my stroke to get the spin that I have become used to. The lack of pain and the amount of power fluctuations made this a string very hard to gauge the control I was having. That very much being affected by user error as well, but I stand by that argument.
The place where this was most apparent was on serve, especially 2nd serve kicks, and short balls that I needed to really spin over the net and have dive back down on the other side.

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?) I seem to think that the playability of this string was slightly less that normal, I started noticing a drop in performance about the 8-9 hour mark or mostly singles and hitting sessions.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?)
I think I am pretty happy with the 48lbs. If I were to give the 1.28 another go I may would bump up to 50lbs for a bit less power but nothing drastic. I still would love to see how this string would fit in as a cross.

List any additional thoughts (optional)
Decently easy to string with average coil memory, not as easy as the recent Kirschbaum Flash play test string but not bad.
Love the fact that's it's biodegradable!
Color is a bit of a mixed bag, I could see some of my customers being in a love/hate rela
tionship with the color.


New User
Which Gauge did you receive?

Tension(s) used for playtest

Regular string setup
— razor soft 17g

Racquet used for test
—Babolat aero 98

Power/Control of test string
—Great blend of power and control for me, especially helpful for volleys and digging out low shots or off balance shots. Felt like I got the perfect amount of extra boost to keep me in the point. When I had time to set up on overheads, incredibly fun to just bomb my opponents. Felt like the directional control was excellent and predictable. The boost in power really let me focus on placement and allowed me to hit some unexpected shots, catching opponents off guard.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?)
—Was surprised to read people thought it was stiff. I felt like it was super plush. I could feel the ball sink into the strings. Definitely a comfortable string but still good feedback which allowed me to aim and fire with confidence.

—Decent spin. Not an extraordinary amount, but if I tried to go for more topspin or slice, it responded well. Allowed me to play flat or with spin depending on what I needed.

Playability Duration (did you notice changes in feel and performance over time?)
—As comfy as the string was, my first hour or two I wasn’t playing as well. After that, the magic started. Not sure if I just had to get used to the new string but it really shone after the first couple hours and stayed similar throughout the 10 hour mark. After that I felt like a slow decline in playability but no steep drop off for me.

Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?)
—I would go for 50lbs again. The string is so comfortable and powerful that this tension really worked for my game.

List any additional thoughts (optional)
I think this string was especially good for volleys and net game. The stretch of the strings on ball contact gave me the perfect amount of power and feedback on volleys that helped me place it deep or short, with slices and side spin, really felt like I could do anything. Overheads were super fun, and I could really launch an all out attacking game with confidence. The color looks a lot cooler where the string is coiled up, but when you put it in the racket, it somehow looks a bit less vibrant. Still love the color though!​

Thank you Tennis Warehouse and Gamma for the opportunity to play with this string. Really a gem, and eco friendly to boot.